Commissioning Device Wizard - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

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Table 1 describes the screens in the Commissioning Device Wizard. See the Commissioning a Device section.

Table 1. Commission Device Wizard—Main Screen



Transfer Type

Use to select either the current Controller Application File (Current Application) or a Controller Application File in the device (Application in Controller). When you select Application In Controller, the wizard transfers the file from the device to the computer.

Note: To commission a device that contains an existing application, use the Applications in Controller setting to make sure you commission the latest information.

Connection Type

Use to select an Supervisor Passthru, Bluetooth, MAP 4.2+/BACnet Router, Direct Ethernet, ZigBee, or Direct Ethernet Connection.

Connection Parameters

  • Supervisor Passthru:

    Use to specify the host name, IP address, and user credentials for the device you want to connect.

    • You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Supervisor Passthru connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
    • To use an Supervisor Passthru connection, enter the device host name or IP address, enter your user credentials, and click Login. You can save this information by configuring it in the Manage Host Name/IP Address List dialog box. See Manage Host Name and IP Address List Dialog Box.
  • Bluetooth: Use to specify the COM port and baud rate. Product Type radio buttons allows you to choose a communication parameter between Metasys or Facility Explorer based controller products.
  • MAP 4.2+ / BACnet Router: Use to specify the following:
    • IP address and UDP port of the router.
    • Network number of the MS/TP trunk (1-65,534).
      Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. The MS/TP Network Number 1001 is reserved for Johnson Controls IP network connections.
    • An available Ethernet network interface adapter to use.
      Note: If you select an available Ethernet network interface, all IP traffic intended for the MAP 4.2+/ BACnet Router travels through this interface.
    When you first open the wizard, the default connection parameters for connecting to a MAP Gateway at version 4.2 are automatically displayed. If the connection parameters are modified, the values are stored in the wizard for future use. To restore the connection parameters to the default values, click the MAP 4.2 Default button.
    Note: For further information about the MAP and common troubleshooting issues, refer to the Mobile Access Portal Gateway User's Guide (LIT-12011999).
  • ZigBee: Use to specify the PAN Offset. Product Type radio buttons allows you to choose a communication parameter between Metasys or Facility Explorer based controller products.
  • Direct Ethernet: Use to specify the UDP port of the controller and the available network interface (select a network interface that is connected to the same subnet as the IP controllers you want to connect to) to use.


Use to perform Auto, MAC Address, or Instance Number based Discovery depending on your connection type.

Table 2. Commission Device Wizard—Device Selection Screen



Device Name

Device name after the discovery process finishes.

System Name

System name after the discovery process finishes.


Controller’s address after the discovery process finishes.


Type after the discovery process finishes.


Status after the discovery process finishes.

Instance Number (BACnet ID)

BACnet® ID.

Note: If more than one device has the same Instance Number, the numbers display red in the device list.


Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.


Moves to the next screen of the wizard.

Note: This option is disabled if a device with a duplicate Instance Number is selected.


Closes the wizard without starting Commissioning mode.

Opens the tool Help system.

Table 3. Commission Device Wizard—Commission Summary Screen



Device Information

Displays information for the following:

  • Computer Name 1: Network hostname of the device.
  • Instance Number: BACnet ID.
  • DHCP Enabled 1: Displays whether DHCP is enabled for the device.
  • IP Address 1: IP Address for the device.
  • IP Mask 1: Subnet mask used for the IP address.
  • IP Router Address 1: IP address of the router for the device.
  • Controller Number 2: Combined value of the rotary switches or DIP switches on the device.
  • Name: Name of the controller.
  • Description: Description of the controller.
  • Model: Model number.
  • Boot Code Version: Boot Code version of the controller.
  • Main Code Version: Main Code version of the controller.
  • System Name: System name of the controller.
  • CPU Usage: CPU usage of the controller.
  • Object Memory Usage: Amount of memory used by the controller.
  • Status: Status of the controller.
  • Device Address: Device address of the controller.
  • Unbound References: Unbound references of the device.
  • FC Communication Mode: On compatible devices, indicates the following field bus communication: N2 Slave, Wired, Wireless, and Ethernet.
  • Radio Firmware Version 3: Firmware version of the wireless device.
  • Radio IEEE Address 3: IEEE address of the wireless device.
  • Pan Offset 3: Pan ID of the wireless device.
  • Logic Enabled:Logic status of an application configured in Transfer to Device (Download) . A status of True indicates that the logic of an application is enabled; a status of False indicates that the logic of an application is disabled. To modify the Logic Enabled status, see Online Operations.
    Note: The logic options do not take effect on the controller until the application is activated.
  • Background Transfer Status: Status of an application transferred using the Transfer to Device (Download) option. A status of Idle indicates that the application is activated in the controller; a status of Files are Staged indicates that the application has yet to be activated. To activate pending files, see Online Operations.
  • SA Bus Status: Click this option to view the status of all SA Bus devices. See Transfer to Device Wizard for more information.


Status of entering Commissioning mode after clicking the Finish button.


Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.


Closes the wizard and starts Commissioning mode.


Closes the wizard without starting Commissioning mode.

Opens the Help system.

1 Appears only for IP devices.
2 Appears only for compatible devices.
3 Appears only when wirelessly connected.