Details Dialog Box - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 15.0

Controller Tool Help

Controls > Control Tools > Controller Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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The Details dialog box displays software and hardware attributes/parameters for modules or logic blocks.

Table 1. Details Dialog Box

Screen Area


Edit Button

Enters Edit mode and allows modification of items in the view.

Apply Button

Saves the changes to items in the view.

Cancel Button

Cancels the edits made and exits Edit mode.

Attribute Table

Lists the selected module/block’s attributes/parameters, their defined values, and units.

Note: If the Name field is blank, the Standard Name appears in the UI.

See the Modules, Logic, and Input and Output Objects sections.

Input and Output Tables

Displays both an Inputs and an Outputs table for the selected module/block. These tables include the following data:

  • : Identifies an input or output that has an alarm, trend, or schedule defined.
  • Name: Name of the input or output.
  • Standard Name: Johnson Controls standard name used for the input or output.
  • Default Value: Default values of the inputs and outputs.
  • Units: Units of measurement used for the inputs and outputs
  • Display Precision: Display Precision value used for the inputs and outputs (for example, 10ths).
  • BACnet Exposed: Indicates whether the input or output parameter is exposed for BACnet systems.
    Note: Double-clicking a BACnet Exposed analog value output launches an additional Details dialog box which allows you to configure COV-related information.
Note: If there are no inputs and outputs for a module (as is commonly the case for Network Inputs), this panel appears hidden and cannot be opened regardless of the previously displayed view.

See the Modules, Logic, and Input and Output Objects sections.

Opens the Enum Finder for advanced searching of enum sets.

IO Modifications Check Box

Enables you to add or remove inputs and outputs.

Close Button

Closes the Details dialog box.

Opens the Help system.