Exporting Naming and Signal Preferences - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 15.0

Controller Tool Help

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  1. Click Export. The Save dialog box appears.
  2. Keep the default file name of ObjectNaming.properties or adjust the name to indicate a specific site or use.
    Note: It is not necessary to export/save a separate copy of the Johnson Controls standard preferences because the Reset and Reset All functions reset the preferences to the Johnson Controls standard default values regardless of user session.
  3. Keep the default location to save the file or adjust it as desired.
    Note: The default location is C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product Name>\Configuration\Backup\Object Naming
  4. Click Save. The file saves and you can access it from the same computer for later use or you can copy the file to use on another computer.