You can set localization preferences for the language that the tool UI uses. When you have support for more than one language, the tabs of the Preferences - Localization screen contain content. The Localization screen also provides the option to set a default language.
English (United States) is the default language used by the tool UI, but you can change the default language to any language that appears in the Language list. When you set a default language, any CAF file opened appears in the default language, rather than the CAF file language. A base translation of the following languages is automatically provided in the tool UI:
- Japanese (Japan)
- Norwegian (Norway)
- Chinese (China)
- French (France)
- Dutch (Netherlands)
- Swedish (Sweden)
- Polish (Poland)
- English (United States)
- Czech (Czech Republic)
- Spanish (Spain)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russian Federation)
You can use the localization preferences as an environment to translate the other languages listed in the Languages tab.
You can edit the preferences of the Languages and Localization tabs to run the tool in one of the available languages, such as German or Japanese.
View and modify the other tabs to change the translated text of the UI to match local and regional naming conventions. For example, you can change the text that appears for the Configure button in the tool UI. You also can edit the English text on the UI Resources tab.
See the Setting Localization Preferences and Preferences - Localization Screen sections for details.