By default, the tool is set up to apply the Johnson Controls® standard object names, signals, System Selection type selections, language localization, and default controllers. The preferences option allows you to modify the Johnson Controls default preferences and create your own preference files for use in a specific region or customer job site.
Example usage of preferences are:
For Naming, the default Johnson Controls suffix for all temperature points is -T. You can edit the suffix so that all temperature points are -TMP.
For Signals, the default Johnson Controls selection for all non-Zone Temperature Sensors is Nickel. You can edit the signal so that the Zone Temperature is Platinum.
For System Selection preferences, you can set preheat coils on Air Handling Units to defaults for colder climates. You also can match economizer strategies to defaults for the local climate.
For System Selection preferences, if your site typically has electric heat on its VAV boxes instead of the default hot water, you can change the preference so that each new system you create has electric heat selected by default.
For Localization preferences, you can edit the preferences to run the tool in one of the available languages (for example, German, French, or Greek), and change or create the translated text of the UI to match local and regional naming conventions.
For Default Controllers preferences, if your site uses a different VAV Box Controller instead of the default model defined for VAV systems, you can change the setting to the other model.
Preferences are unique to the computer in which the tool is installed. The preferences are configured in the tool and used as defaults for any files created by the tool on that computer. Changing the preferences does not affect existing systems, only those created after changing the preferences.
You can import and export preference files for the naming and signal preferences and for each System Selection tree to use on other computers or to use specific preferences for different sites.