Attributes (ZN-T Setpoint Determination) - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 15.0

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Table 1 describes the attributes used by the ZN-T Setpoint Determination modules.

Table 1. ZN-T Setpoint Determination Attributes


Type 1


Default Value

CLGOCC-SP (Occ Cooling Setpoint)


Contains the value for the occupied cooling setpoint.

23 °C, 74 °F

CLGSTBY-SP (Standby Cooling Setpoint)


Contains the value for the standby cooling setpoint.

25 °C, 77 °F

CLGUNOCC-SP (Unocc Cooling Setpoint)


Specifies the value for the unoccupied cooling setpoint.

28 °C, 82 °F

Eff Occ Cooling Setpoint


Specifies the effective occupied cooling setpoint.

Display Units: °C, °F

Eff Occ Heating Setpoint


Specifies the effective occupied heating setpoint.

Display Units: °C, °F

EFFCLG-SP (Effective Cooling Setpoint)


Contains the effective cooling setpoint.

Display Units: °C, °F

EFFHTG-SP (Effective Heating Setpoint)


Contains the effective heating setpoint.

Display Units: °C, °F

Hardware Setpoint


Specifies the absolute setpoint of the space (this is one of two optional inputs). This input is used if the Remote Setpoint Mode is Hardware Only or if the Network Setpoint is not reliable and the Remote Setpoint Mode is Network with Hardware Backup.

22 °C, 72 °F

Hardware Setpoint Offset


Contains the setpoint offset for the space.

0 °C, 0 °F

HTGOCC-SP (Occ Heating Setpoint)


Specifies the value for the occupied heating setpoint.

21 °C, 70 °F

HTGSTBY-SP Standby Heating Setpoint)


Specifies the value for the standby heating setpoint.

19 °C, 66 °F

HTGUNOCC-SP (Unocc Heating Setpoint)


Specifies the value for the unoccupied heating setpoint.

16 °C, 61 °F

Max Cooling Setpoint


Defines the maximum cooling setpoint allowed.

30 °C, 86 °F

Max Heating Setpoint


Defines the maximum heating setpoint allowed.

25 °C, 77 °F

Min Cooling Setpoint


Defines the minimum cooling setpoint allowed.

20 °C, 68 °F

Min Heating Setpoint


Defines the minimum heating setpoint allowed.

15 °C, 59 °F

Network Setpoint


Specifies the absolute setpoint of the space (this is one of two optional inputs). This input is used if the Remote Setpoint Mode is Network Only or Network with Hardware Backup. If the Network Setpoint is not reliable and the Remote Setpoint Mode is Network Only, the last reliable value is used. If the Network Setpoint is not reliable and the Remote Setpoint Mode is Network with Hardware Backup, the Hardware Setpoint is used.

22 °C, 72 °F

Occ Cooling Shift 2


Specifies the value for shifting occupied cooling setpoints.

0 °C, 0 °F

Occ Heating Shift2


Contains the value for shifting occupied heating setpoints.

0 °C, 0 °F



Indicates the actual occupancy mode of the unit.


Set Name: Occ Effective

Optimal Start Status


Indicates the status of an optimal start/stop algorithm, if being used by this application. When the Optimal Start/Stop input is not Normal, then the user can choose the effective occupancy used for the setpoint calculations via the OST Warmup State, OST Cooldown State, and OST Coast State properties.


Set Name: OST Warmup Cooldown

OST Coast State


Specifies the effective occupancy mode when the Optimal Start/Stop input is equal to Coast.


Set Name: Occ Effective

OST Cooldown State


Specifies the effective occupancy mode when the Optimal Start/Stop input is equal to Cooldown.


Set Name: Occ Effective

OST Warmup State


Specifies the effective occupancy mode when the Optimal Start/Stop input is equal to Warmup.


Set Name: Occ Effective

Remote Setpoint Mode


Use to decide whether or not the Remote Setpoint input should be used in the setpoint calculations. If used, you can choose whether the default value or last reliable value is used when the Remote Setpoint input is not Reliable.

No Remote Setpoint

Set Name: ZN-T Remote Setpoint Mode

Standby Cooling Shift2


Specifies the value for shifting standby cooling setpoints.

0 °C, 0 °F

Standby Heating Shift2


Contains the value for shifting standby heating setpoints.

0 °C, 0 °F

Unocc Cooling Shift2


Contains the value for shifting unoccupied cooling setpoints.

0 °C, 0 °F

Unocc Heating Shift2


Contains the value for shifting unoccupied heating setpoints.

0 °C, 0 °F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)
2 Shift attributes are set by the Summer Winter Compensation module.