Configuring a Table Data Widget for BACoid Data Criteria - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 15.0

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  1. In the Perspective Management dialog box, select the Table Data widget you want to configure.
  2. Enter a Name and Description (optional) for the Table Data widget. The name appears in the UI and the description appears as a tooltip when you hover over the component in the UI.
  3. Click the Data Criteria Type drop-down box and select BACoid. The Table Data configuration panel changes to show the Control Sequence points.
  4. Select the Visible check box to show the widget within the UI, or clear the check box to hide the widget in the UI.
  5. Click the Order drop-down box and select whether you would like table data to appear in Alphabetical order or As Defined. (See Figure 1 in Table Data for examples.)
  6. Choose the BACoids to display in your table data widget:
    • If you have an application open, follow these steps to build table data using the tree:
      1. In Settings, select the Show All check box to view all points in the application, otherwise, clear the checkbox to view only BACnet Exposed points.

      2. For Expansion Level, use the slider bar to expand the tree to the details level you would like to view.
      3. In the Filter box, type part of the node name to filter the results.
      4. In the BACoid tree, select the item you want to show within the table data widget.
        Note: To select multiple items, press and hold down the Ctrl key and click each item.
      5. Click .
        • The list in the right-pane shows the order of the table data if you chose As Defined for the Order type. If you wish to change the order of items, you can select the item and click the up arrow () or down arrow ().
        • If you would like to remove an item from the table data list in the right pane, select the item and click . You can also use the Delete key or - (hyphen) key to delete items as well.
      1. In Settings, select the Show All check box to view all points in the application, otherwise, clear the checkbox to view only BACnet Exposed points.

      2. For Expansion Level, use the slider bar to expand the tree to the details level you would like to view.
      3. In the Filter box, type part of the node name to filter the results.
      4. In the BACoid tree, select the item you want to show within the table data widget.
        Note: To select multiple items, press and hold down the Ctrl key and click each item.
      5. Click .
    • If you do not have an application open, follow these steps to build table data manually:
      1. Click the Object Identifier drop-down box and select the type of object.
      2. In the field, enter the Object ID for the BACoid.
      3. Click to add the BACoid to the table data.
      4. Repeat 6.a through 6.c until you have built your table.
        • The list of BACoids that appears is the order of the table data if you chose As Defined for the Order type. If you wish to change the order of items, you can select the item and click the up arrow () or down arrow ().
        • If you would like to remove an item from the table data list, select the item and click
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click Close.
  9. If you create multiple Table Data widgets and want to organize them within the perspective UI, nest the group of Table Data widgets within a Tab or Orientation container. See Adding a Container.