The application System Selection trees use the individual Output Controller Last Value modules in this group using the names in the following table.
Module Instance Name |
Applications |
2 Pipe Cooling Control Status LV |
2 Pipe Heating Control Status LV |
2 Pipe Pump Command LV |
2 Pipe Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) |
Boiler X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Boiler X Interlock Cmd LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Boiler X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Box Heating LV |
Box Heating Max Cap Fract LV |
Cascaded DA-T Setpoint LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications |
CD Output LV |
Chiller X Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Chiller X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Chiller X Interlock Cmd LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Chiller X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Chiller Load LV |
Chiller Plant Rated Power LV |
Chlr Sys Enable LV |
ChlrX CHW ISO Valve LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
ChlrX CW ISO Valve LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
CHW Cap Match LV |
CHW Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
CHW Pump Shed OK LV |
Compressor Max Cap Fract LV |
Cooling X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Cooling Control Status LV |
Cooling Max Cap Fract LV |
Cooling Percent Cmd LV |
Cooling Pump Command LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications |
Cooling Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications |
Cooling Required LV |
CW Bypass Valve CS LV |
CW Cap Match LV |
CW Minimum Flow LV |
CWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
CW Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
CW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
CW Sequencing LV |
CW Tower CS LV |
Damper Control Status LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications |
Damper Output LV |
EA Damper Command LV | |
EA Damper2 Command LV | |
Exhaust Fan Command LV |
Exhaust Fan2 Command LV |
Fan Cmd LV |
Fan OnOff LV |
GEF Command LV (General Exhaust Fan Command LV) |
Heat Recovery Htg CS LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Heating Control Status LV |
Heating Cooling Required LV |
Heating Max Cap Fract LV |
Heating Percent Cmd LV |
Heating Required LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications |
Heat Recovery Pump Command LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
HR Energy Wheel Command LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Humidification Max Cap Fract LV |
Humidification Pump Command LV |
Humidity Control Status LV |
Hx CW Minimum Flow LV |
Hx Max Flow LV |
Hx Sys Enable LV |
Min OA Damper Percent LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications |
Min Outdoor Air Fan Command LV |
Number of Devices Running LV |
Number of SCHWP Running LV |
Number of SHWP Running LV |
Number of Towers Running LV |
OA Damper Command LV | |
OA Damper2 Command LV | |
PCHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
PHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Preheat X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Preheat Control Status LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Preheat Max Cap Fract LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Preheat Percent Cmd LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Preheat Pump Command LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Preheat Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications |
Primary CHW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Primary HW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Primary Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Prmy Heating LV |
Reheat X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Reheat Control Status LV |
Reheat Max Cap Fract LV |
Reheat Percent Cmd LV |
Reheat Pump Command LV |
Reheat Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) |
Relief Fan Command LV |
Relief Fan2 Command LV |
Return Fan Command LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications |
Return Fan2 Command LV |
SCHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
SHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Secondary CHW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Secondary HW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Secondary Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Sideloop Max Cap Fract LV |
Supp Heating Control Status LV |
Supp Heating LV |
Supply Fan OnOff LV |
Supply Fan2 OnOff LV |
Supply Fan Percent Cmd LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications |
TEF Command LV (Toilet Exhaust Fan Command LV) |
Tower Fan X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Tower Fan X LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Tower Required Flow LV |
Tower Sys Enable LV |
TwrFanX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
TwrFanX ISO Vlv LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
Zone Cooling Control Status LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications |
Zone Heating Control Status LV |
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications |
Zone X Max Cap Fract LV (Where X Is 1-8) |
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it, view the Connections table.