Attributes (Exhaust Damper Control) - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 15.0

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The following table describes the attributes used by the Exhaust Damper Control module.

Table 1. Exhaust Damper Control Attributes


Type 1


Default Value

Box Flow Test Position


Indicates the desired damper position when the mode is set to box flow test.


Display Units: %

Control Status


Current saturation status of the controller.
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Low
  • 2: Timing Low
  • 3: High
  • 4: Timing High
  • 5: Disabled
  • 6: Overridden


Set Name: Control Status

Diff Setpoint


Calculates the Exhaust Flow Setpoint using the Supply Flow.

0 l/s, 0 cfm

Exhaust Damper Absolute EWMA Effort


Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this value.


Display Units: %

Exhaust Damper Absolute EWMA Error


Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Flow Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.


Display Units: l/s, cfm

Exhaust Damper EWMA Error


Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Flow Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.


Display Units: l/s, cfm

Exhaust Damper EWMA Present Value


Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this value.


Display Units: %

Exhaust Flow


Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is the flow that is to be controlled and must therefore respond to changes in the output.

0 l/s, 0 cfm

Exhaust Rated Flow


Rated flow of the exhaust box. This is not a limit to the flow when in control mode.

500 l/s, 1000 cfm

Exhaust Stroke Time


Contains the time (in seconds) that it takes the actuator to move from 0% to 100% or from 100% to 0%. Should these values be different, the average is used.

60 Seconds

Failsoft Value


Indicates the desired damper position when in failsoft mode.


Display Units: %

Minimum Pulse Width


Contains the minimum pulse width used by the PVDC block.

Display Units: Seconds


Contains the mode requested by State Selection.
  • 0: Close
  • 1: Open
  • 2: Hold
  • 3: Control
  • 4: Box Flow Test
  • 5: Failsoft


Set Name: VAV Flow Control Mode

PD Max Position


Maximum position under unreliable control. Under unreliable flow conditions, flow setpoints are linearly converted into a damper position between this value and 0%.


Percent Cmd


Contains the analog percent output on a scale of 0% to 100%. This value is typically connected to either a PAO or an AO.

Display Units: %


G, V

Current operational state of the output controller.

Set Name: VAV Exhaust Flow Ctrl State

Supply Flow


Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this attribute provides the second flow for calculating the flow difference.

0 l/s, 0 cfm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)