The selection options for Sensors/Inputs are:
Outdoor Air
Temperature: This option can be used with the Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic that is selected in the Control Logic Section. If this Sensor input is not selected in this section, then Network Inputs are created in the Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic section to provide the inputs for the Economizer Logic. The Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor is also used as an input to the Summer Winter Compensation module that is created under Optional Features (HP).
Humidity: This option can be used with the Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic that is selected in the Control Logic section. If this Sensor input is not selected in this section, then Network Inputs are created in the Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic section to provide the inputs for the Economizer Logic.
Discharge Air Temperature
Temperature: A Zone Temperature Input is always provided. All the Zone Temperature options assume that a model of the Network Sensor family is being used for Temperature, the Setpoint Adjust options of Common Setpoint Adjust or Warm Cool Adjust, a Temporary Occupancy Interface from the Network Sensor, and the Fan Speed Adjust Option and Humidity input from the Network Sensor. Refer to the Network Sensors product literature to match the functionality selected for the application with a specific Network Sensor hardware model.
- Setpoint Adjust
Common Setpoint Adjust
Warm Cool Adjust
- Temp Occ Support
- Fan Speed Adjust
- Setpoint Adjust
Occupancy: This option provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate Occupancy Sensor.
Entering Water Temperature
Leaving Water Temperature