FSM Explorer - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 15.0

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Use the FSM Explorer to view the current state and possible next states of an application. The Current State list displays the current state or pseudo-state, while the Possible Next States columns display the possible next states for the current state.

In commissioning mode, use the FSM to toggle between a fixed view of the current state, or an exploratory view of all potential states. If you click Realtime Display, the FSM locks to the current state of the running application. If you click Manually Browse, FSM unlocks and thus enables you to explore all potential states of an application.

Additional attributes are exposed at Release 10.4 / Firmware 8.0. The attribute Previous State displays the previous state of the FSM. The Time in State attribute displays the duration of time in the current state. If any part of a guard condition is True, it will be highlighted in green and bold text.

The FSM Explorer behaves differently when in Configuration Mode. For further information see FSM Explorer.

For information about a specific module, see State Generation Modules .