Global Sequencer Advanced Configuration - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 13.1

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See Global Sequencer for more information.

Table 1. Attributes for Advanced Configuration
Name Description Mode
Calculate Make-Break Limits
When this value is True, the Make/Break Limit values are calculated using the Device Capacity and Differential values. When this value is False, the Make/Break Limit values must be set by the user.
Note: When using this option, varying capacities could yield unexpected results depending on the selected staging mode.
Differential This value is used to calculate the Break Limit values when Calculate Make-Break limits is true. When Calculate Make-Break Limits is False, these are ignored and the Break Limits must be set by the user. SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Equal Runtime Within Sets

This Boolean value indicates the effect of runtime on items within Sets. When this property is True, the devices within a set are controlled to equal runtime. If it is False, the first device is the compressor, and subsequent device are unloaders, and runtime on unloaders are ignored.

When the property is True, the runtime of the set is the sum of all items within the set. When it is False, the runtime of the set is the runtime of the first device.

This property is only evaluated when the Mode is set to Equal Runtime mode. If both Equal Runtime Within Sets and Invert Stages in Sets are set to True, the sequencer only obeys the Invert States in Sets property.

Inter-stage Timing Method This value indicates whether Inter-stage timing or stabilize timing is used. Inter-stage timing starts when a stage change occurs and prevents another stage change from occurring until it has expired. Stabilize timing starts when the Input exceeds a make limit or drops below a break limit and prevents the stage change from occurring until the timer has expired. SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Invert Stages in Sets This Boolean value indicates the action of devices within a group as specified in Device First Of. If this input is True, when the first device of a group is turned on, all the devices are turned on and the second and subsequent devices of the group are turned off sequentially as the load increases. If this input is False, when the first device of the group is turned on, the remaining devices of the group turn on sequentially as the load increases. This property cannot be used when Equal Runtime Within Sets is True and the Mode is set to Equal Runtime mode. If both Equal Runtime Within Sets and Invert Stages in Sets are set to True, the sequencer only obeys the Invert Stages in Sets property.

This attribute is available when Oil Pump on Device 1 is False.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup