Attributes (Humidification Packaged Unit) - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 13.1

Controller Tool Help

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Controller Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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The following table describes the attributes used by the Humidification Packaged Unit modules.

Table 1. Humidification Packaged Unit Attributes


Type 1


Default Value

Compensator Humidity Cmd


Controls the humidifier valve. The valve is commanded from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead Compensator.


Display Units: %

Discharge Humidity


Contains the process variable when the activity operates in the Limited H Control mode.

70.0% RH

Discharge Humidity Setpoint


Contains the desired process variable setpoint when the activity operates in the Limited H Control mode.

70.0% RH

Humidity Control Status


Contains the current saturation status of the controller.

Set Name: Control Status

Humidity Enable


Used to enable the electric heating element is a packaged humidification device. This output would be ON anytime humidification is required.

Set Name: Off/On

Humidity Percent Cmd


Contains a representative analog percent output on a scale of 0 to 100%. This output should be connected to the humidification control device.

Display Units: %

Humidity Process ID


Defines the type of process being controlled. This input must be set to either zone humidity or return humidity depending on the actual process.


Set Name: Process ID

Humidity Process Variable


Used for either the return air humidity or the zone air humidity. This is the process variable when the activity operates in the H Control mode.

40.0% RH

Humidity Setpoint


Desired process variable setpoint when the activity operates in the H Control mode.

40.0% RH


G, V

Contains the current operational mode of the output controller.

Set Name: AHU Hum Prop



Mode requested by State Selection.


Set Name: AHU Hum Prop

Output Overridden


Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is overridden by a user.


Output Position


Provides the current Present Value of the output that this controller drives.


PID Tuning Reset


Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.


Set Name: PID Tuning Reset

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)