Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification v50 - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 13.1

Controller Tool Help

Product name
Controller Configuration Tool
Document type
User Guide
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The Staged Cooling Output Module is designed to control staged compressors for either cooling or dehumidification. The temperature control can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, or ZA-T control and the dehumidification may be configured for RA-H or ZN-H. The module accepts inputs for temperature, relative humidity, temperature setpoint, humidity setpoint, and compressor minimum on and off times. The module has outputs for controlling the MSC module. This module incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.