Reliability (Chiller Selector) - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 13.1

Controller Tool Help

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Controller Configuration Tool
Document type
User Guide
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The Reliability of all modules reflects the Reliability of its Outputs. If any Output Reliability is not reliable, then the module Reliability must not be reliable.

The Chiller Selector primitive checks the values of the following properties:
  • Device nn Upper Optimal Pct Load is greater than the Device nn Lower Optimal Pct Load.
  • Stabilize Time(i) is larger than the Capacity Limit Hold Time.
  • Lift Sensitivity is less than or equal to zero. If Lift Sensitivity is less than zero, then Design Lift, depending on the units, needs to be:
    • SI Min Value 2.5, Max Value 100
    • IP Min Value 5, Max Value 180
  • If Lift Sensitivity is zero, the Design Lift does not have restriction.

The module checks the values of the following properties, according to the Control Mode and the CW/CHW Headered/Dedicated properties as follows:

Table 1. Chiller Selector Reliability

Control Mode

CW Headered/Dedicated

CHW Headered/Dedicated

Required Properties




Device nn Capacity

Chiller Load



Device nn Current/Power




Device nn CW Flow

Device nn CW Min Flow




Device nn CHW Flow

Device nn CHW Min Flow

If any of the required values is less than or equal to zero, the reliability of the module is Unreliable: Invalid Configuration, and the module does not execute.

During commissioning, the module checks that the Upper Optimal Pct Load is greater than the Lower Optimal Pct Load, Stabilize Time is larger than the Interstage Delay, and that Lift Sensitivity is less than or equal to zero. If any of these checks fail, the module rejects the write and sends a corresponding write error.

The Chiller Selector primitive does not report any other reliability values.