The Electrical Power Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
ELEC-A (Electric Fault BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Fault (BI) node is selected.
ELEC-KW (Electric KW AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor KW (AI) node is selected.
ELEC-KWH (Electric KWH AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor KWH (AI) node is selected.
ELEC-S (Electric Status BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Status (BI) node is selected.
PHA-AMPS (Phase A Current AI), PHB-AMPS (Phase B Current AI), and PHC-AMPS (Phase C Current AI): These three Inputs are loaded when the Monitor Current (3 AI) node is selected.
PHA-PF (Phase A Power Factor AI), PHB-PF (Phase B Power Factor AI), and PHC-PF (Phase C Power Factor AI): These three Inputs are loaded when the Monitor Power Factor (3 AI) node is selected.
PHA-VOLTS (Phase A Voltage AI), PHB-VOLTS (Phase B Voltage AI), and PHC-VOLTS (Phase C Voltage AI): These three Inputs are loaded when the Monitor Voltage (3 AI) node is selected.
PHASE-FAIL (Electric Phase Failure BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Phase Failure (BI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.