Trend Details Screen - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 13.1

Controller Tool Help

Controls > Control Tools > Controller Configuration Tool
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See Adding a Trend.

Table 1. Trend Details Screen



Object - Name

Indicates the name of the trend.


Indicates the description of the trend.


Indicates if the trend is enabled (True) or disabled (False).

Object Identifier

Indicates the read-only ID for the trend.

BACnet - Input Reference

Indicates the attribute of the object being sampled.

Buffer Size

Specifies the maximum number of records the buffer may hold.

Client COV Increment

Specifies the increment used to determine that a change of value occurred (when this trend object collects data by COV).

COV Resubsc Increment

Specifies the number of seconds between COV resubscriptions (when this trend object collects data by COV). The Subscribe COV requests specify twice during this interval for the actual subscription. The first subscription is issued when the trend object begins operation or when enabled.

Sample Interval

Specifies the periodic time in seconds for which the referenced property is logged. If this attribute is zero, samples are recorded using COV reporting.

Start Time

Specifies the time and date to enable logging when the Enable attribute is set to True. If the Start Time contains wildcard values, the conditions to enable logging based on time are ignored. When the Trend object is inactive because the current time is outside of the Start Time or Stop Time, the Status attribute reflects this state (assuming it is the highest priority status). If you define a Stop Time that is before the Start Time, the Trend object is disabled.

Stop Time

Specifies the time and date to disable logging. If the Stop Time contains wildcard values, the conditions to disable logging based on time are ignored. Logging is disabled if the Stop Time is prior to the Start Time. When the Trend object is inactive because the current time is outside of the Start Time or Stop Time, the Status attribute reflects this state (assuming it is the highest priority status). A change in the active/inactive state because the Start Time/Stop Time value has no impact on the Enable attribute. If the Trend object was disabled because the Stop Time, the Trend object attempts to send the trend samples to the server. If you define a Stop Time that is before the Start Time, the Trend object is disabled.

Stop When Full

Specifies whether logging ceases when the buffer is full. When set to True, logging ceases and all accumulated samples remain in the buffer.

BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Intrinsic Alarming Defined

Enables (True) or disables (False) intrinsic alarming for this object. When disabled, writing to any of the intrinsic alarming attributes returns a Write_Access_Denied error. When disabled, reading the intrinsic alarming attributes returns the default value of each attribute.

Event Enable

Determines whether notifications are enabled for To Fault and To Normal events. A To-Normal transition occurs when the value of the Records Since Notify attribute is equal to or greater than the value of the Notify Threshold attribute. A To Fault transition occurs when an attempted COV subscription fails. The To Normal transition must be enabled and set by default. The Read and write methods ensure that this value cannot be set to False.

Notification Class

Specifies the notification class used for handling and generating event notifications for this object.

Notify Threshold

Indicates when a notification occurs based on the value of the Records Since Notification attribute.

Notify Type

Indicates if the notifications generated by the object are Events or Alarms. This attribute is required if the object supports intrinsic reporting.

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