Connecting the CEG to Wi-Fi for the first time - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013942 - CEGPNL100x-0 - JC-TMR2400-x - SE-CEG1001-x - Network gateway - CEG1001 Connected Equipment Gateway

CEG Network and IT Guidance Technical Bulletin

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Technical Bulletin
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About this task

The following instructions are in addition to the information in the CEG Quick Start Guide (Part No. 24-11460-00042) that comes with each CEG. The default login credentials for each CEG are included in the Quick Start Guide.


  1. Verify that the Wi-Fi dongle is plugged into a USB port of the CEG.
  2. When you supply power to the CEG, the Fault LED flashes to indicate that the CEG is initializing. When the Fault LED turns off, the Wi-Fi AP LED flashes, and the RUN LED is on, use the USB Wi-Fi access point to connect your mobile device or laptop to the CEG.
  3. In the Wi-Fi settings of your mobile device or laptop, locate the SSID and connect to the CEG Wi-Fi network. Use the credentials included on a sticker in the Quick Start Guide that came with your CEG.
  4. Open a web browser on your mobile device or laptop and navigate to to open the CEG browser interface.
    Note: Use the default Admin logon credentials that are also included on a sticker in the Quick Start Guide that came with your CEG.
    Note: Some older unsupported Windows® web browsers, for example, Windows® Internet Explorer®, can have problems viewing certain UI screens. Use the latest versions of browsers such as Google® Chrome® or Microsoft® Edge® when you perform operations with the CEG. As an alternative to the IP Hostname, you can use
  5. Read and accept the CEG license agreement.
  6. The first time you log on to the CEG, the Change Password and Passphrase web page appears. You must change the Admin password and Wi-Fi passphrase.
    Important: After you change the Wi-Fi passphrase or SSID, the webserver restarts and you must rejoin the CEG Wi-Fi network with the new passphrase. On some mobile devices you must select and forget the original CEG Wi-Fi network before you can rejoin the network with the new passphrase.
  7. Replace the Wi-Fi Passphrase in the New Wi-Fi Passphrase field and click Save.


You can now use your CEG through the Wi-Fi connection.