Communication Gateway (Annex H) - Johnson Controls - LIT-12012608 - SI-VRFCBN02-0S - SI-VRFCBN02-0SA - SI-VRFCBN02-0SC - SI-VRFCBN02-0SE - SI-VRFCBN02-0SI - SI-VRFCBN02-0SJ - SI-VRFCBN02-0SN - SI-VRFCBN02-0SS - Bulb controller - BACnet VRF Smart Gateway

BACnet VRF Smart Gateway Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

Network and Communications > Gateways and Routers > BACnet VRF Smart Gateway
Network and Communications > BACnet > BACnet VRF Smart Gateway
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Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
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Revision date

If this product is a communication gateway, describe the types of non-BACnet equipment/network(s) that the gateway supports:

H1.1 Modeling non-BACnet Devices as BACnet Devices

Hitachi Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) equipment, Indoor Units (IDUs) and Outdoor Units (ODUs), that communicate over the proprietary H-LINK I/II protocol.