Orders and Licenses tab - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12012944 - Software Application - Software Licensing - 4.3

ABCS License Portal Help

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Software Licensing
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User Guide
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The Orders tab displays a list of customer purchase orders for the ABCS. The following table provides an overview of the table in the Orders tab.

The following table provides an overview of the tables in the Orders and Licenses tab.

Table 1. Orders tab overview
Column name Description
Purchase Order Displays the customer purchase order number as a link. Click the purchase order number link to view the order details.
AOMS Order # Displays the AOMS order number associated with the software product order.
Project Name Displays the project name associated with the purchase order, if it exists. See Editing the project name for more information about how to edit the project name.
Order Date Displays the order date.

Order information

The following table provides an overview of the order information shown if you click a purchase order for a license. Any subscriptions associated with that license also display.
Table 2. Order information details for licenses and subscriptions
Column name Description
Product Displays the name of the software product associated with the license as a clickable link or the name of the subscription associated with the order.
Note: The name shown in the License Portal may differ slightly from the name that the software displays when it is installed or used.
Version Displays the version of the licensable software product or subscription. If the software product does not have a version, the column is empty.
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product and subscription. The product code corresponds to the product ID in AOMS. This column is empty for products without product codes that are not available for purchase in AOMS.
Feature - Version In the Features column, the feature and version is displayed if only one feature is mapped. In cases where multiple features are related to a product, the number of features is displayed as a hyperlink. For example, 5 Features.
Ordered Quantity Displays the number of licenses ordered and available for activation. If there is purchased software that is not licensed with the Software Manager, the following message displays: License not Required
Note: Returned licenses are subtracted from the number of available licenses.
Quantity Available for Return Displays the quantity available for return. This allows users to return multiple license of a product or a product subscription.

The Available Quantity for Return is calculated as follows for a product:

Ordered quantity minus the sum of returned licenses minus the sum of activated licenses minus the sum of available transferred licenses to any branch or ABCS other than the branch or ABCS that is associated with the order plus the sum of available licenses transferred back to the branch or ABCS that the order belongs to.

The Available Quantity for Return for a subscription is the minimum available quantity for return amongst the products in the subscription.


Displays the Choose Action menu, which includes the following options:

  • Download
  • View Product Key
  • Start a New Offline Activation
  • Automated Bundle Product Licensing
Click the Expand icon next to a subscription to open the details for products associated with a subscription and view the date the subscription was created and last changed.
Table 3. Order information details for subscriptions
Column name Description
Product Displays the name of the software product associated with the subscription. Click the product name link to open the license information for that product. See Viewing license information for more information.
Version Displays the version of the product associated with the subscription.
Product Code Displays the product code of the product associated with the subscription.
Feature - Version Displays the name and version of the feature.

Editing the project name

You can edit the project name associated with an order when you click the purchase order number to view the order details. To edit the project name, complete the following steps:
  1. Click the edit icon beside the Project Name.
  2. In the Edit Project Name dialog box, enter a new project name in the Project Name field.
    Note: The maximum number of characters allowed is 100. The following special characters are allowed: !@#$%&*+,.?(){}[].
  3. Enter a comment in the Comments field to explain the reason for the change.
  4. Click Save to save the changes, or click Exit to cancel the changes.

Viewing the change history

You can view the change history made to the project names associated with an order when you click a purchase order number in the Orders tab. To view the project name change history, complete the following steps:
  1. Click the clock icon beside the Project Name.
  2. In the History dialog box, you can view the following information:
    • Date Changed: date the change was made to the project name
    • By: the user who made the change to the project name
    • Original Value: the original project name
    • New Value: the new project name
    • Comments: additional comments on why the name was changed
  3. Click Close to exit the History dialog box.

Viewing order history

If there is activity on an order to transfer or return licenses, the Order History table displays below the order details. The following table gives details on the information displayed in the Order History table.

Table 4. Order history table overview
Column name Description
Date Displays the date an action was performed on a license.
Action Performed Displays details on the type of action performed: a return or a license transfer.
Product Displays the name of the software product.
Product Code Displays the product code of the software product. The product code corresponds to the product ID in AOMS.
Version Displays the version of the licensable software product. If the software product does not have a version, the column is empty.
Quantity Displays the number of licenses transferred or returned.
Processed By Displays the name of the person that processed the order.

To view additional information in the Order History table, click the expand icon in a product row. The following table provides an overview of the information provided for completed license returns and license transfers.

Table 5. Order history details – expanded view
Action performed Description
Return Displays the RMA # (return material authorization number) and annotation for completed license returns.
License Transfer Displays the name and address of the recipient organization of completed license transfers.

Choose date range search

Use the Choose Date Range field to refine a search by order date.

  1. Click the Choose Date Range field.
  2. Enter the start date.
  3. Enter the end date.
  4. Click Apply. The filter date range is applied to any search field entry.

To remove the date range filter you can either:

  • Click the Choose Date Range field and click Clear Filter.
  • Highlight the Choose Date Range field and delete.