RS-485 wiring - Facility Explorer - Part No. 24-10143-918 - FX-SC8XD485-0 - Bulb controller - RS-485 Option Module

RS-485 Option Module Installation Instructions

Controls > Rs-485 Modules > RS-485 Option Module
Document type
Installation Guide
Document number
Part No. 24-10143-918
Document revision
Revision date

Each of the two RS-485 ports is capable of up to 115,200 baud, and uses a 3-position, removable, screw terminal connector.

Use shielded, twisted-pair, 18-22 AWG cabling to wire in a continuous multidrop fashion to other RS-485 devices: minus to minus, plus to plus, and shield to shield.

Connect the shield wire to earth ground at one end only, for example, at the option module.

For more information about wiring guidelines, see FX-PC Series Controllers MS/TP Communications Bus Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011670).

Figure 1. RS-485 wiring example

Table 1. RS-485 wiring example




RS-485 A port COMn with a network of RS-485 devices


RS-485 B port COMn + 1 with a network of RS-485 devices


RS-485 devices on the same network should use the same protocol and baud rate. Up to 32 or more devices may be supported, depending on device specifications