MAP Gateway Settings - Facility Explorer - Metasys - LIT-12011999 - TL-MAP1810-0Px - TL-MAP-1810-0Sx - Gateway/Router - MAP Gateway - 5.1

Mobile Access Portal Gateway User Guide

Network and Communications > Gateways and Routers > MAP Gateway
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User Guide
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This section describes how to adjust the settings of the MAP Gateway according to user level.

Figure 1. MAP Gateway Settings Menu (Administrator)

Table 1. MAP Settings Menu Descriptions
Menu Selection Description

Wi-Fi Access Point Settings

The MAP Gateway acts as an access point for connecting Wi-Fi devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops to your field controllers, wireless thermostats, and rooftop units on a building management network. All Admin and Technician users can change the Wi-Fi SSID and the Wi-Fi Passphrase fields under the Wi-Fi Access Point settings. The default settings for these two fields are included in the Mobile Access Portal Gateway Quick Start Guide (Part No. 24-10737-16), that ships with each MAP Gateway.

To access the Wi-Fi settings, click Wi-Fi Access Point in the Settings menu on the MAP Gateway UI. The first time you log in to the MAP Gateway, the system prompts you to change the Wi-Fi Passphrase. The Passphrase must be a minimum of eight characters.

For more information on setting a secure password, see Security.

There are two additional options available for the Wi-Fi network:

Disable Wi-Fi – Users can disable the Wi-Fi adapter of the MAP Gateway. Note that enabling Wi-Fi requires specific workflows.

Hide SSID – Users can select to not broadcast the MAP’s Wi-Fi SSID.

Ethernet Settings

Access the Ethernet Settings screen from the Settings Menu when logged in as either an Admin or Technician user.

If you are using Ethernet, you must have the MAP Gateway plugged into an external power source before connecting the computer.

Note: A grey field is read-only; you can edit a white field.

BACnet Router

An updated connection type is available for CCT and SCT to utilize the MAP at R4.2+ as a BACnet Router. This allows you to make an SA or FC Bus connection for transferring files to and from a controller, commission sessions with CCT, or use the SCT Trunk Utility Feature. This functionality eliminates the need for the BTCVT.

Note: You can connect the MAP to an IP equipment controller through its Sensor port.

Configurable BACnet/MSTP MAC address

You can change MAP Gateway's BACnet/MSTP device address from the default value. When workflows require more than one MAP Gateway on an MSTP trunk, changing the MAP's MSTP address prevents address conflicts; this allows more user's to work on the field bus.

Force Baud rate

When a third-party device changes the MSTP baud rate, recovering the trunk can be difficult. Using the MAP's Force Baud Rate feature, located in Settings/BACnet Settings, the token will be stopped after a few minutes, allowing the baud rate to be set to a selected value.

Feature Parameter

Provides users with the ability to configure MAP feature default values:

Tailored Summaries = number of selectable points, number of stored summaries.

Bulk Verification = number of selectable points, number of stored summaries.

Live Trend = Number of trends to be stored, number of points in trend, number of trend graphs.

Point Checkout = number of point test samples.

Report = Default report type selection.

SSL Settings

The SSL Settings screen shows the currently installed security certificate (if any) and allows you to install both a Private Key and a new certificate. Only an Admin user can perform the following procedure. Refer to the Mobile Access Portal Gateway Network an IT Guidance Technical Bulletin (LIT-12012015) for information on how to use SSL Certificates in a MAP Gateway.

Software Updates

This menu option allows for a software update package to be loaded into the MAP for updates.

Note: An Admin or Tech user can only perform the following procedure.
  1. On the Settings menu, select Software Updates and click Choose File to navigate to the location of the new software image.
  2. Click Upload to transfer the file into the MAP Gateway.
  3. Click the Install button to have the MAP Gateway use the new file.
The MAP Gateway goes offline temporarily while the updates are applied, during which time you may see a Connection Problem message.
Note: The MAP Gateway features a functionality where a timer archives settings every 15 minutes. If BACnet Routing and other settings need to be adjusted or have freshly been adjusted, wait 15 minutes before you apply a software update to the MAP Gateway.

Administration Settings

An Admin User can only view the Administration Settings screen. On this screen, an administrator can add or delete users, define user roles, and change passwords.

About Screen

The About Screen shows the release and version information for the MAP and the various software components that make up the MAP Gateway software. The Terms and Conditions, and End User License Agreement (EULA) are also accessible through the About Screen.

Audit Log

The Audit Log feature allows an Admin user to download and view a log of user actions there were performed on the MAP Gateway. When you select download, a text file containing entries for the events is created.

The log entry format contains (when available and applicable) the date, time, device name, timestamp, process name (process ID), and a message describing each event. The log is not cleared by software updates or factory resets.

Note: A power failure will affect the date and time. After a power failure occurs, the log entries may not have an accurate date and time stamp until you reset the time and date of the MAP Gateway.


The Diagnostics screen provides a method for product support personnel to view diagnostic information.

BACnet Time Sync

BACnet Time Sync allows you to set the time on the MAP Gateway and its discovered wireless devices. The time and date default to the computer's time and date, but you can change the time and date by clicking either the calendar or clock icon.

Because the MAP Gateway does not have a battery backup for the internal clock, you must synchronize the time and date after the MAP Gateway is reset or loses power. This action ensures that the system logs have the correct time and date information.


MAP provides a framework for technicians, installers, and balancers to easily import and export commissioning site files and perform basic commissioning and validations steps.

Files to import

Use the following file extensions:

  • *.mkf - to import k-Factor File
  • *.dat - to import of Site Data
  • *.m2c - to import SCT Export File for Unattended Download
  • *.mapexport - to import SCT Export File for Site Data
Site Append

During the import of a MAP Site file, users can choose to merge the file with an existing Site or Trunk, bringing in all the work capture in the imported file.

Template Manager

The summary definitions for MAP tailored summaries are Attribute Templates that can be created with the CCT/PCT Trunk Utility functions and imported into a MAP for use on any project.

The Template Manager, located in the Settings menu, enables the user to manage templates for the Live Trend and Tailored Summary features. Templates can be imported, exported, deleted, modified, or created on-the-fly from controllers the MAP is communicating with.

Note: For more information, visit uLearn at