MAP Gateway UI and Navigation - Facility Explorer - Metasys - LIT-12011999 - TL-MAP1810-0Px - TL-MAP-1810-0Sx - Gateway/Router - MAP Gateway - 5.1

Mobile Access Portal Gateway User Guide

Network and Communications > Gateways and Routers > MAP Gateway
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User Guide
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Revision date

MAP 5.1 includes removal of captive portal technology that the MAP Gateway User Interface uses. To access MAP Gateways that are updated to 5.1, use, instead of using

Note: There have been reports of needing to use the MAP's IP address ( to connect via Wi-Fi with some iOS devices.

The MAP Gateway User Interface runs in a secure web browser on your computer or mobile device. It is scalable to work on computer screens and the smaller screens of mobile devices. When you first log on to the MAP Gateway, you are presented with the Access Point Legal Disclaimer as well as the MAP Gateway and License information. You must agree to this information in order to access the MAP Gateway. When you click I Agree, you can log on to the MAP Gateway to configure it and view the data of its discovered controllers. See Figure 1 . The exact view on different web browsers and different devices may vary, but the basic layout and functionality are the same.

From the Home Screen, the left panel of the UI allows you to select a specific device from the Choose a device drop-down list. Choose Settings to access and modify settings of the MAP Gateway, perform software updates, and other administrative tasks depending on the user's role, or choose Admin to log out or change your password.

The right pane contains the full list of devices that the MAP Gateway has discovered. Each entry in the device list shows the device address, the name, a description, signal strength, and a label. A green label that says Currently Connected indicates that the MAP Gateway is connected directly to that device's SA Bus. If you are connected directly to the SA Bus of an SSE or UCB on Smart Equipment, you can see all devices on that network. If you are connected directly to the SA Bus on a field controller, you have the ability to see all the devices on the network; however, the device list is not automatically updated when new devices are added. Therefore, you need to click the Rediscover Devices button to get updates to the device list when connected to the SA Bus of a field controller.

If the row in the Device List screen is light blue and shows a down arrow icon, the discovered device is online but its system points have not yet been read or discovered. Clicking the row instructs the MAP Gateway to retrieve the available views and points from that device. Until the device has had its points discovered, it is not selectable from the Choose a device drop-down list. Once the device points have been discovered, the icon changes to an arrowhead as shown in Figure 1.

A light grey device list entry background with a Not Supported label indicates that the MAP Gateway identifies a device online but does not recognize it as a supported device.

A new logout button, located in the upper right of all screens, allow users to easily logout of the MAP Gateway prior to disconnecting from the network.

Tailored Summary and Ad hoc Live Trends have been added to the navigation menu. This allows users to use the features without the need of a Site/Trunk. Data collected in the features is not saved for reporting purposes.

Figure 1. MAP Gateway UI

The MAP Gateway uses colored bars to indicate the condition of points and alarms. These bars enable the user to quickly get the most important statuses from a long list of points. .

Table 1. MAP Gateway status
Color Point Status
Clear/No indicator color Online/Normal
Red Alarm
Orange Overridden or Out of Service
Black Offline
Grey <read-only>

Navigating in the MAP Gateway UI

When using the MAP Gateway through a web browser on a computer, you see the entire user interface with the left side of the MAP Gateway dedicated to menu selections and the right side dedicated to equipment selections. You can select, view, or adjust the Device List, overall settings, and Admin Options. When navigating to other menus, a menu button appears at the top of the list to allow you to return to the home screen.

Note: If you use F5 to refresh your browser after you have entered data, that data is lost. Always click Save or Done after you enter data to ensure it is saved.

When viewing the MAP Gateway interface on a phone or mobile device, the screen displays either the menu selections on the left or the equipment selections from the right. You can slide the screen left or right to see the desired selections.

For information on MAP Gateway settings, see the MAP Gateway Settings section.