N2-configured controllers support the full range of possible N2deviceaddressesprovidedby the N2protocol standard (1-255). However, these controllers require special configuration for addresses above 127. Use the following instructions for controllers with addresses greater than 127.
Note: Before you perform this procedure, make sure that your controller has been converted
from BACnet to N2 protocol first. Refer to the Modernization Guide for Legacy N2
Controllers (LIT-12012005) for more information.
Note: This special configuration is required because controller addresses above 127 were
originally intended for use with the Wireless Field Bus system.
- Disconnect the 24 VAC supply from the controller.
- Remove the FC Bus connector from the controller.
- Set the address switch set to the desired N2 address.
- Set the address switch segment labeled 128 to OFF.
- Reconnect the 24 VAC supply to the controller.
- Using an SA bus connection, download the firmware and controller application file. The download process asks to confirm switching the communication protocol to N2.
- Click OK.
- After the download is finished, disconnect the 24 VAC supply to the controller.
- Set the address switch segment labeled 128 to ON.
- Reattach the FC Bus connector to the controller.
- Reconnect the 24 VAC supply to the controller.