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FX-PC Series N2 Programmable Controllers and Related Products Catalog Page

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The FX-PC Series N2 Programmable Controller family comprises a group of versatile controllers and accessories designed to monitor and operate a wide variety of commercial HVAC equipment and can be networked together using the N2 Open Communications protocol. This family of controllers includes the FX-PCV1832 N2 Programmable VAV box controllers, which can be integrated to any supervisory controller capable of managing N2 Open networks and devices, such as an FX Supervisory Controller.

The FX-PCV1832 controller features an advanced design that provides optimum performance and easy access to power, network, and field terminations. These controllers come with 32-bit microprocessors that meet and exceed ever-demanding industry standards.

Note: A software download that allows FX-PCV1832 controllers to communicate as BACnet® MS/TP devices will be available at a future date. This functionality provides a differentiated and cost-effective platform upgrade path for existing customers who are looking for a gradual upgrade strategy and should be considered during installation of the controller.

Our wide variety of network sensor models provides options for measuring and displaying zone temperature, occupancy detection, duct temperature, zone humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) level, setpoint adjustments, and discharge air temperatures. The FX-PCV1832 controller's embedded capabilities, in addition to its modular accessories, make it well-suited as a replacement for legacy VMA14xx Series Controllers.

Refer to the FX-PC Series N2 Programmable Controllers and Related Products Product Bulletin (LIT-12011809) for important product application information.

If the FX-PCV1832 fails to operate within its specifications, replace the unit. For a replacement FX-PC controller, contact the nearest Johnson Controls® representative.

Figure 1. FX-PCV1832 Controller