Network management and integration - Facility Explorer - LIT-12013669 - F4-SNC1612x-0xx - F4-SNC2515x-0xx - Supervisory Device - F4-SNC Supervisory Controller

F4-SNC Product Bulletin

Product name
F4-SNC Supervisory Controller
Document type
Product Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status

F4-SNC supervisory controllers provide network management over one or more networks of controllers and other field devices. The SNCs feature several optional communication port and protocol selections to integrate FX controllers, types of non- FX devices, and third-party devices found in commercial buildings.

The following list includes a brief description of the supported integrations:

  • BACnet/IP: For FX IP-based equipment controllers and other third-party BACnet/IP devices. The following are BACnet/IP integrations available:
  • BACnet/SC: BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) is a recent update to the BACnet interoperability standard aimed at improving cybersecurity and network infrastructure integrity. BACnet/SC identifies a secure, encrypted datalink layer specifically designed to meet the requirements, policies, and constraints of IT networking infrastructures.
  • BACnet MS/TP: For FX equipment controllers and TEC equipment controllers, non- FX BACnet controllers, and other third-party BACnet MS/TP devices.
Figure 1. Device integrations for the FX System