Daisy-chained RS485-protocol networks typically require some type of end-of-line (EOL) termination to reduce interference caused by signal reflection that occurs when data transmissions reach the end of a bus segment and bounce back on the segment. The high baud rates on MS/TP bus applications require robust EOL termination and strict adherence to the EOL termination rules. Figure 1 shows an example of the EOL termination settings on an MS/TP bus application.
The EOL termination requirements for the FC bus are different from the SA bus requirements. See End-of-Line Termination on Local FC Bus and End-of-Line Termination on SA Bus for more information.
Also, third-party MS/TP devices and TEC26xx Series thermostats have different EOL termination requirements from CH-PC devices on the FC bus. See MS-TEC26xx Series Thermostats and Third-Party MS/TP Devices for more information.