Analyze Field Bus Command - BCPro - LIT-12011908 - General System Information - BCPro System - 4.0

MS/TP Communications Bus for the BCPro System Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > BCPro System
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The Analyze Field Bus command provides detailed information about the devices that currently reside on the local MS/TP bus. The command tells the BACnet Router to poll each address on the FC bus, in order from 1 to 254. The polling takes several minutes to complete. Once it finishes, the Bus Analysis Progress attribute reads Complete and the Bus Device Configuration List displays each device on the bus.

This command attempts to show the address, make, and other attributes of each device on the bus. You can use this information to identify devices you are unaware of and to identify third-party devices on the bus. The results of the scan can vary depending on the device type and manufacturer of the devices on the bus.

To issue the Analyze Field Bus command:

  1. Right-click the MS/TP Field Bus Integration object in the navigation tree and select Commands from the pop-up menu. The Select Command dialog box appears.

  2. Select Analyze Field Bus and click Send. The Bus Analysis Progress attribute value changes to In Progress.

  3. After the Bus Analysis Progress changes to Complete, read the devices from the Bus Device Configuration List drop-down menu using Table 1.

Table 1. Bus Device Configuration List



Possible Values/Exception Values

Object Name

Displays the name of the field device. The name is derived from following in this order:

  1. If the field device appears in the navigation tree, the name on the tree is used initially.
  2. If the device is communicating on the field bus, its name is read directly and overwrites the current name.
  3. If the device does not appear on the navigation tree and it is communicating, but its name cannot be read, the field is left blank.

Any name or number


Displays the MS/TP address of a device if the device appears in the navigation tree or the device responds to the analyze field bus command poll.

1 – 255


Indicates whether devices are mapped to the BCPro system.

True indicates that the device is mapped and appears on the navigation tree. False indicates that the device is not mapped and does not appear on the navigation tree.

Note: Currently, the Device Mapped label only applies to the CH-PCA, CH-PCG, CH-PCV, and CH-PCX Series controllers. Other devices may return a False value even though they are mapped and appear on the navigation tree.


Indicates whether the device responded to the analyze bus poll.

Responding indicates that the device responded to the poll. No Response indicates that the device appears in the navigation tree but did not respond to the poll.

Max Master

Displays the Max Master attribute of the device. If the device is configured, the default value is 127. If the attribute cannot be read, the value displayed is 255.

<127 indicates that the Max Master attribute has been altered. See Parameters That Affect MS/TP Communication.

127 is the default value and indicates that the device is configured.

255 indicates that the poll could not read the Max Master attribute.

Max Info Frames

Displays the Max Info Frames attribute of the device. If the device is configured, the default value is 10. If the attribute cannot be read, the value displayed is 255.

10 is the default value and indicates that the device is configured.

255 indicates that the poll could not read the Max Info Frames attribute.

Code State

Indicates the state of the operating code within Johnson Controls field devices. This field is meaningful only for Johnson Controls field devices.

Boot indicates that the device is starting and is not completely functional.

Main indicates that the device is functional and operating.

Unknown indicates that the device is not responding or does not support the Code State attribute.


Displays the end-of-line termination status of CH-PCA, CH-PCG, CH-PCV, and CH-PCX (only).

True indicates the CH-PCA, CH-PCG, CH-PCV, and CH-PCX EOL switch is On.

False indicates the CH-PCA, CH-PCG, CH-PCV, and CH-PCX EOL switch is Off.

Note: All other devices on the bus display False regardless of the status of their EOL status.