Adding Weekly Scheduled Events - BCPro - LIT-12011905 - Server - BCPro Data Server - 4.0

BCPro Data Server

Product name
BCPro Data Server
Document type
User Guide
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Revision date


  1. Display a Schedule.
  2. From the Display Mode drop down menu, select Weekly Schedule.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click the new (green plus) button or double-click a time bar segment and the Define New Event(s) dialog box appears.
    Note: Alternatively, you can right-click a time bar segment and select Add Event(s). The Define New Event(s) dialog box allows you to define the new event for multiple days.
  5. Select one or more days, the starting time (hour and minute), and a value for the event using the check boxes and drop-down menus and click OK.
  6. Repeat 4 through 5 as necessary.
  7. To specify an event end time, make sure no event is selected, right-click where you want the event to end and select End Event from the pop-up menu. Drag the end of the event to adjust the end time.
  8. Click Save.
    Note: Once you click Save, the schedule object goes into effect and writes the new value to the scheduled items if necessary.