MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object - BCPro - LIT-12011905 - Server - BCPro Data Server - 4.0

BCPro Data Server

Product name
BCPro Data Server
Document type
User Guide
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Revision date

The MS/TP Field Bus Integration is the root for all Field Devices and BACnet objects on the MS/TP Field Bus in the BCPro system. When you add a Field Bus integration to a Workstation, you create an MS/TP communication link on a specified hardware port of the BACnet Router. The MS/TP Field Bus Integration object offers diagnostic data related to the MS/TP network. Once a Field Bus integration has been created, BACnet devices and associated BACnet objects can be added to the trunk using the Insert Field Device and Insert Field Point wizards within SMP. The integration wizards support both Automatic Device and Point discovery or manual object creation. The Field Bus integration supports 3rd party BACnet MS/TP devices and all FEC family BACnet MS/TP devices.

For general information on BCPro system objects, see the Object Help section.